The more things change, The more they stay the same

Posted on April 25, 2016

Welcome to our new blog! As I write this first blog post I am amazed at all of the progress and advancements RBA has made since its inception back in 1983. Just to give you some historical perspective, when RBA was created there were less than 50 babies as a result of IVF. There was no such thing as frozen embryos, much less frozen eggs, and pregnancy rates were less than 5%.

As the years passed, RBA became well known as an IVF center that was “cutting edge”. We were responsible for the first IVF baby born in Georgia, the first IVF baby born in the United States as a result of ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection), and the first baby born in the United States from frozen eggs.

Today, these technological advances seem common, but in the 1980’s and 1990’s they were huge advances in the field of reproductive medicine. Yet despite all these changes, what has not changed is RBA’s commitment to “cutting edge” technology, and all you have to do to experience this commitment is to explore our new blog. Here you will see and read about all the technological and clinical treatments RBA has available for you.

But let me assure you that despite all of these advances, what hasn’t changed is our commitment to you and all of our patients. Yes, now we can freeze eggs, genetically assess embryos for normalcy, and generally achieve pregnancy rates greater than 50%. None of these accomplishments, however, is more important than making you, our patients, feel truly cared for during your treatment with all of us at RBA.

So keep a look out for our upcoming blog posts, and rest assured that as we at RBA continue to make “cutting edge” advances, what will not change is our commitment to excellent and compassionate patient care.

Andrew A. Toledo, M.D.

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